Blog Social networking

       Social media has become monumental for business the last 10 or so years. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are beneficial to businesses for two very important things; marketing and hiring. Social media has a clear benefit to businesses/employers but there is an even bigger benefit to society. Everyone has access to a computer one way or another, allowing everyone to create their own social profiles. It is important to make sure that social profiles are accurate and represent you and your best work. In the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt, he discusses how LinkedIn has taken the place of the rolodex. He quotes Shally Steckerl, a recruiter for Microsoft, in saying that instead of calling on of the thousands of contacts she had, she can login to LinkedIn and see potential employees by searching through her contact's connections. 
       When it comes to marketing, Facebook is a huge tool for businesses. In the article "GREAT WALL OF FACEBOOK: THE SOCIAL NETWORK'S PLAN TO DOMINATE THE INTERNET — AND KEEP GOOGLE OUT," the author speaks about the vast amount of information Facebook collects from their users. In terms of marketing, FB is a goldmine where markers can develop their audiences by age, location, gender and interests. Believe it or not, Facebook has grown to become more advanced than google in terms of collection data from its users. Most people think google knows everything. 
       Although marketing and hiring benefit from these new technologies, there can definitely be a "dark side" to social networking. The biggest downside to social media, in my opinion, is that there is a loss of personality. People are spending less and less time together because of things like Facebook Messenger or Facetime. I think that as social media advances, people are forgetting how to interact face-to-face. I am scared for future generations...babies being born today will never know what it's like to not have technology in their lives. When I was a kid there wasn't Facebook or Instagram or even smart phones. I got my first flip phone in high school. I just hope that future generations will still be able to see the beauty in things like going to the park or hanging out with friends instead of sitting in their rooms on Facebook or playing video games. 


  1. Hey Val, It's interesting that you say that social media creates a loss of personality, because I feel that it has done the opposite. A lot of people are able to develop themselves and their personality including their hobbies using social media. You continue to say that we are not communicating on a face-to-face basis as frequently, which I agree with and can definitely be scary and is something that we need to watch out for.
    Also-- woah! Crazy to realize that Facebook has more data than Google..the more I think about it the more it makes sense.


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