
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog: Next New

The next new media I would like to see is a technology, sort of like headphones, that allow users to hear any language as their own language. Basically, if someone is speaking to me in Spanish, I would hear them in English as long as I'm wearing the headphones. I want to do a lot of traveling after college, so a device like this would be a great form of new media. This is a technology that would allow me to communicate with anyone, anywhere. Another thing I would like to see is a brand new Apple watch that literally does it all. I'd like to see the Apple watch have capabilities that no one would ever imagine. How great would it be if our Apple watch could track our calorie intake without us entering it in on our phone? Or how convenient would it be if it tracked weight without having to ever step on a scale? I think the Apple watch is very advanced in the market of fitness tracking, but in the future I hope to see it hold these capabilities that don't currently exist.

Blog: Wiki So Far

So far I have been researching two topics that I would like to contribute to the course wiki. I would like to talk about a youtube vlogger that has influenced me over the years, clothesencounters. Jen, the star of the channel vlogs about fashion, makeup, and life experiences. The next contribution I am researching is the use of food influencer Instagram accounts. Users like @noleftovers and @lieats are just a couple of influencers that drive insane amounts of traffic to local food spots. Youtube and Instagram influencers use new media to advertise and share their experiences and reach several audiences.

Blog: P2P

     File sharing is when a file is shared from one computer to another over the internet or network. Files can include pictures, videos, or music. P2P file sharing is peer to peer file sharing, and this is when a network allows users to search for files on other users computers. Basically, p2p file sharing allows anyone in the network to search the other users in the network. This is a convenient method to file sharing but often ends up in illegal sharing of files like music or videos. A famous p2p file sharing network is Limewire, but the network was shut down in 2010 because of the abuse of illegal sharing. Another example of a p2p network is The Pirate Bay, a network often used to torrent, and download music  or videos from other users computers. The NYT article "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios" by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone, mentions Warner Brothers, and their huge campaign to try to combat the illegal spread of the Batman movie through p2p file transferrin

Blog: Privacy

New media makes it hard to have privacy and confidentiality. New media gives people access to the public in a way that even threatens privacy. The NYT article "The Wild West of Privacy" by Joe Nocera, points out that our favorite sites like Google and Facebook are using data retrieval tools to find out more about us. These features are scary when you think about. I was recently talking to a coworker and she told me about a crazy experience she had. Her and her husband hadn't been sleeping well for a few nights so they had a discussion the next morning about buying a new mattress. Now, neither of them had used their phones or computers to search for mattresses online but that same day she kept seeing Mattress Firm advertisements on Facebook. She is convinced that her phone was able to pick up on the conversation with her husband about getting a new mattress. How crazy is that? I really do fear the future in terms of hackers being able to access private information through

Blog: Advice

     New media would be a great addition to Baruch’s communication strategy. There’s several ways it could be introduced into the communication mix, but I believe a stronger presence on Twitter is the best way to go.      I would advise each academic department and student services department to have a Twitter account as well as a person who manages the account. Baruch has some presence on Twitter, although it isn’t used for effective communications with students.      Each academic department could engage with students by having personalized hashtags and creating conversations. Once the use of twitter takes off, I’d advise the departments to have professors use twitter for discussions specific to each class. Students are very comfortable with the platform and having conversations via twitter could be great for those who don’t get their ideas out in the classroom.